Friday, July 16, 2010

The Perfect Pointers

One of my most popular activities at literacy stations is "read the room"! I like it because the kids are actively engaged in reading, there is always something new on the wall to read, and they are allowed to move around freely--which helps get those wiggles out. For "read the room", I store fun pointers in the metal bucket pictured above. The kids love picking out a special pointer, and I frequently add holiday themed pointers for some variety. To make your own pointers like these, visit Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Look for the painted wood pieces (only 67 cents!!!), and wooden dowel rods, add some hot glue, and you're all set!

Here are a few of the most popular pointers:


  1. Such a cute idea! This would be fun to do with my Kinders too...they could search for sight words etc. I can't wait to get back to the US so I can hit up Michaels!!!

  2. I love this idea! I'm moving back to kdg after teaching 1st grade for a year, and plan to revamp my centers come September. Thanks for the idea!

  3. These would be great at home too! We haven't tried using pointers, but we do spend time locating the letters of my four year old's name, and my six year old looks for words he knows in "wordy" art and labels around our home. I'll bet they would love to use a pointer! Thanks for the idea!

  4. So cute and inexpensive! Love it!

  5. I like this idea too. Where did you find your bucket?

  6. Love this! I hope it's ok but I mentioned it on my blog! Check it out! It's a teaching blog that I just started and my goal is to find other educators who inspire me!!

  7. I love that you used the animals for this! I have some of the same animals and attached magnets on the back instead. They make for great stories on the white board (scenery can be added too with markers as you go, or pre-made)! Thanks for this cute idea!
