Monday, May 9, 2011

We Made...Lemonade!

We are lovin' lemons lately!  The "lemon madness" started with a "how to" writing lesson.  The kids helped me brainstorm everything we would need to make lemonade {they didn't know I already had everything there at school!}  Then, we worked together to write how to make lemonade on an anchor chart! We had to use the words first, next, then, and finally.  The kids even wrote their own recipes for lemonade! After a little writing, we needed a treat!  So we took all of our ingredients and made...lemonade!!!  Many of us, including me, had never made lemonade from REAL lemons before--so we were all pretty excited to get to squeeze the lemons into our pitcher!  *Yep, didn't bring one of those handy juicers...could have been helpful!*  Anyway, we had a lemonade tasting party, and we decided that our first grade lemonade was very yummy!

This lemonade lesson kicked off a little "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" mini unit that I will post more pictures of later!  Fun stuff!


  1. Love your how to writing with lemonade theme! Great idea! Gonna have to try that with my class.
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. I love your new look.


  3. and lemonade screams summer time to me!!


  4. Did you have a book that went with making lemonade? A few years ago we made lemonade with a book about a chicken who thought the sky was falling and it was a lemon and they made lemonade with it. But for the life of me can't remember the title.

    Little Priorities

  5. How-to writing can be sooooo much fun! I soooo miss teaching! I taught kindergarten for a year before getting laid-off but I'm taking notes for when I get back in the classroom! I am new to your blog but I love it so far!

  6. Hi Sarah - I can't seem to find your contact information, but I am an editor at, the baby and parenting site on the PopSugar Network. I love your Lemonade post and am currently working on a Lemonade Stand story. Would you mind if I used your image? I'd certainly link back to your post! Thanks so much!

    - Rebecca
