Sunday, November 25, 2012

Reindeer, Reading, and...Pugs?

It's the most wonderful time of year!  I have been unusually "Christmasy" this year--I think I went into Christmas mode a few weeks ago.  Not that I'm a scrooge or anything, but each year I get so overwhelmed with all the things that have to be done to prepare, that I end up feeling kind of sad and stressed out!  This year, I am determined NOT to stress over the holiday I love the most!  

So, I got a "little bit" of a head start.  We decorated our house for Christmas last week.  We also have watched Elf!  I had already shopped for most of my gifts before Black Friday.  {What, what!?}  I have wrapped up my daughter's Christmas books in anticipation of doing a Christmas picture book countdown each night!  I have even already read The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren--as a reminder to myself to keep the true meaning and purpose of Christmas first in my mind as the holiday planning gets underway.  

I also want to bring the magic of Christmas alive for my students!  It is so fun teaching the little ones at this time of year, because they have the best stories to tell about their elves.  And they love writing letters to Santa and making their lists.  It is also amazing that a simple reminder that "Santa Claus is coming to Town" will straighten up behavior!  They all seem to have a little sparkle in their eye when we come to school in our PJ's for Polar Express Day!  Their excitement is contagious, and it is such a blessing to be around.  That said, we have FOUR weeks from now until our Christmas break.  This is going to be a l-o-n-g stretch, especially with 20 very excited kiddos!  

So, what to do to keep learning fun and engaging for four weeks?  Well, next week, we will have some
silly reindeer fun with ABC order, and a fun reindeer craftivity from my Reindeer Games packet...
The week after next, we are beginning our Christmas Around the World journey!  I can't wait to take this class aboard Christmas Airlines! (This unit will take 2-3 weeks--I am planning on spending around 2 days visiting each country!)    *This year I have added a supplement pack to my Christmas Around the World Scrapbook!  It is a FREE download, and provides a planning calendar, parent letters to send home, and craft templates!  Please go download if you purchased my scrapbook last year!  It has helped me to be super organized this year!*

I have been working on this packet since this summer, and finally finished it this weekend!  We are learning all about short vowel u next week, and "Pugsley the Pug" is going to join in the phonics fun.  This packet has 9 activities for literacy stations or small group review--so, basically, next week, we are going to have a classroom full of reindeer and pugs.  It's not strange AT ALL!  HA!   

All of these and everything in my TpT store will be on SALE Monday and Tuesday! Yay!  Who doesn't love a sale!?

Here are a few of my newest creations that you may want to check out during the big sale!

The Reading Briefcase is packed with everything you'll need to get your students reading at home.  It comes with a detailed parent guide to help parents motivate their kids to read. 

The Holiday Feast Shopping List has students practicing common core skills--adding 3 numbers and adding money.  They will have fun shopping for holiday food items on their shopping lists!

I love to draw, and I am excited to share my second packet of Clip Art--"Funky Trees"!  They are perfect to add to classroom creations and newsletters!  :)

I will send my Funky Trees Clip Art to the first 5 followers to comment on this post!  

{Because I love y'all, and I love blog comments!  Comments make the blogging world go 'round!!!}


  1. I love the pug unit! So cute! I'm trying hard to get into the Christmas spirit, but it's hard when it's 90 degrees in November!


  2. I love your stuff and plan on using your reindeer packet next week! Enjoy your day!

  3. Love your clip art trees! :)

  4. I love the trees. I'd love to use them for centers next week.

  5. Your funky trees are too cute!! I would love to use them :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  6. Aren't the holidays so much fun? :)

  7. I love everything you create! we start holidays around the world next week!

  8. All of the things you make are so cute! I'm trying to figure out with the other first grade teachers at my school how we can squeeze in Christmas around the world. You are such an inspiration!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Love your Christmas around the world packet. I'm jealous of you for being a step ahead this year. I'm trying to get ahead too!!

  11. Hello friend!

    I love following your blog, I am a first year teacher and to be honest this year is kicking my tail! I work at a teeny tiny country school down in Louisiana and we are failing... pretty miserably actually, the state actually added a - to our F this year. That being said, there are a lot of hard working people trying to fight against a lot of tough circumstances and sometimes it all feels a little bit too much. Your blog reminds me that teaching tiny people is supposed to be fun and taking a little time to do Christmas around the world not only gets us out of the grind of preparing for the state test, it also lets us learn about parts of the world my students have never even heard of, much less learned about.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. The joy in your little space here seriously brightens my day.

    All the best,

    1. Christian, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your sweet words. Thank YOU for reading, and thank you for all that you do for your students. I know they are lucky to have you.

  12. I LOVE your funky trees and all of your creativity! Merry Christmas! Thank you!

  13. Woohoo! First comment :) Sarah, I love your blog, and I love your activities!

  14. Love your work! Going to download your supplement pack now.
    I'm jealous how ahead of the game you are as we all prepare for the holidays.


  15. Maybe...did I get it in time?!?! Free ADORABLE clipart?! LOVE IT!

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  16. As always, I love everything you do =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

    1. Jennifer, that is an honor coming from you, sweet lady! Thank you so much for reading, and always taking the time to post a kind comment! I am so grateful!

  17. Your pug packet is sooo cute! I miss you sweet friend.

  18. Love your funky trees!! They are so cute!!

    The First Grade Dream

  19. Hey Sarah,
    I wondered how you get your clip art from paper to computer. I love drawing at the moment and I'm not sure how to "clean it up" after scanning!?
    Thanks for any input and insight!

    1. Hey Rachel--I'm definitely not an expert, and I'm learning as I go, but for now, I am scanning in my images, opening them with Adobe Photoshop Elements (I got the software with a Bamboo tablet I bought for about $100)--then I use the paint bucket to color them in! I hope this helps a little!

  20. Oh my gosh, the smug pugs are the cutest thing! I am loving your graphics too, Sarah!

  21. I looked for your Funky Trees in your TPT shop but can't find it! :(

  22. Wow! I am so excited to check out the planning calendar. Last year I purchased your Christmas Around the World Scrapbook and it was AmAzInG! My little Firsties had such a blast and all the kids in the school wanted to be in my room to see where we were going next. I will certainly be checking out your other products. You are amazing and you inspire me to be a better teacher. Blessings and peace to you!
    Cruz'n in First

  23. Sarah - I had to click on your blog on my blog list when I read the word pugs...I own one and had one growing up too...very cute!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  24. Sara I love the Pug pack....since I have a pug! I must have it! Too cute!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  25. You always have the cutest stuff...I'm obsessed with your adorable clipart! :)

  26. I love your Funky Trees! Would love to use them with my son.

  27. Hi! I'm looking for your r-controlled posters . . .
    Teresa Townsell
