Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Adventures of Super Tooth and the Cavity Villains

The adventures will begin next week--as Super Tooth flies in to help us learn all about dental health!  He is a toothy super hero that fights the bad guys--a gang of sneaky dudes called the cavity villains!  Each little friend will get a copy of the mini book about these guys to put in their reading briefcases, and we will create wanted posters for the Cavity Villains!  We will also do a cut and paste food sort, create lists of what makes us smile, learn all about the job of a dentist and dental hygienist, and conduct a science experiment using eggs, soda, and vinegar!  Can't wait!  We will be super busy.

I have put Super Tooth on sale until Monday, along with my Honest Abe packet--in honor of President's Day!  {Click the pictures to take you to my shop!}


The Brown-Bag Teacher said...

Super cute dental unit, Sarah! :)

The Brown-Bag Teacher

Unknown said...

Super cute! Love the artwork, too!
First Grade Blue SKies

Tamera Wilson said...

So cute!

Stop by and check out my Give Away and my Vocabulary Activities for Skippyjon Jones in my TPT store!


Unknown said...

The Super Tooth story sounds sooo cute, love it!
Science for Kids Blog

Sarah said...

Adorable! I so adore your stuff :)


Primary Paradise said...

Both units look adorable.
Primary Paradise

Halle said...

Emma is precious! Enjoy the party :)

Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! I bet my niece and nephews would love this. If you don't, I would also like to share this with my Austin Dentist.

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