Friday, April 12, 2013

Kickin' it old school. Also, pugs and popsicles. And Cinderella.

1.  This: 

If you read my last post about my grassy-haired egg heads fail, well...this was just the cherry on top.  We had storms roll in yesterday, and I had my egg cartons sitting on our screened in porch at home--{you know, so that I would remember to water the crazy things?!}  And I know what you're didn't kick them over in a fit of fury!  ;)  A huge gust of wind blew the egg cartons over, and googly eyes and dirt were everywhere.  Those egg heads are now in the trash.  Ridiculous.  :)


2.  Fun with Cinderella "C" and Gentleman "G"--we learned all about soft c and soft g in phonics this week!  The picture below shows the cover of the mini reader my kids read during guided reading earlier in the week.  We also played word recognition games using clear pebbles--which one little friend cleverly named "magic reading ice".  Smarties.  We really had fun with this unit!

Click the cover page below to see more of the unit details:

3.  An Adventure in Space--kickin' it old school with Greg & Steve.

When I was in first grade, my music teacher used to get us doing movement activities by listening to Greg & Steve tapes.  My absolute FAVE was "An Adventure in Space! OH THE CHEESINESS!  But, it is just good fun and GREAT for the imagination!!! I downloaded it on iTunes for my kids to do today!  The kids flipped for this!  They act out taking off in a rocket, and then pretend to float around in space, dodging asteroids and such.  Super way to end our space unit!  {The song is only 99 cents--the album is called, "On the Move"}

4.  The Popsicle Store.  {I Heart Steel City Pops!}

Um, a little obsessed.  I won't tell you how many popsicles I've had lately.  This local store is GENIUS.    Maybe we're behind the times here, but I have never seen a popsicle store--and along with that, these aren't ordinary popsicles that are all fake and from a box.  These are homemade and made with fresh ingredients--with some flavors that are a little unusual, like "chocolate chili", "jalepeno pineapple", and "peanut butter".   I'll probably have one tomorrow.  Just sayin'.  They have no idea I am blogging about their yummy goodness, either.  I just love them so much, I had to tell you about them.

5.  My dog.  I love my sweet Teddy-kins.  Emma & I have been spending our sunny afternoons coloring with chalk.  Teddy rolls around in the chalk pictures until he is rainbow colored, then rubs his stinky face all over us while we are trying to color, and makes a laugh.

He also knocks the pillows off of my patio furniture to make room for him to sit like a person.  Look at his little legs!  HA!  He sits on his bottom in a chair!  He was enjoying listening to the rain--alone--no one was out there with him!  Silly pug.

Link up with all the fun "Five for Friday" posts with Doodle Bugs!!!  
Being random ROCKS.


  1. Ok I have never heard of a popsicle store. I am googling this ASAP. It sounds heavenly. I can relate with your plant keeping skills. I am awful with plants! I adore your blog! Come over and visit mine sometime!

    Polka Dots, Checks and Stripes

  2. My kids love Beanie Bag Dance from Greg and Steve! And how random that one of my 5 was also about Popsicles? Have a good weekend!

    Teaching in the Tongass

  3. Hello! I found you through Doodle Bug Teaching's Five for Friday. Your soft c and g unit is so cute! I'm sure your kiddos had a lot of fun with it. Your pug cracks me up! My dog used to fluff pillows with his shoulders when we let him sleep on the couch. Now we have new furniture so no more couch for him. So we got him a fluffy new bed. Now we're all happy!
    Mrs. Landry’s Land of Learning

  4. WHAT!?! A Popsicle Store! Where is it and when can we go??!

    Lucky to Be in First

  5. Sarah your Teddy reminds me of my pug, Bugsy! Bugsy sits just like Teddy only he mostly does it on the back of the couch! It looks so funny and so human like! Teddy is a cutie!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

    1. Okay, I love the name Bugsy for a pug! How cute is that!!?

  6. Those darn eggs!!!! HAHA! Sorry to laugh, but I can totally hear you cursing in your cute accent!!! LOve you!

    1. Rachelle, totally fine--I laughed at myself! Love you, girl!!!

  7. Oh my goodness!! I love steel city pops!! Every time I take a visit back to Bham I good!

  8. No popsicle store in my corner...must look this up! Your dog is adorable!

    Greg and Steve's outerspace song is a blast! I need to check iTunes again :-).

  9. Aw Teddy is adorable!

    Love Greg and Steve.

    And I've never heard of that popsicle store...I don't think we have them here.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  10. Teddy is adorable!

    I don't think we have that popsicle shop here.

    Love Greg and Steve!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  11. Oh Sarah, Steel City Pops has my heart for sure!! Everytime I go home to B'ham, I always have to go! Yummo!

    So sorry about your :(

    First Grade Fairytales

  12. I think homemade popsicles are a great idea! Why didn't anyone think of that before!? Teddy is just precious! I've heard pugs have a lot of personality! :)


  13. Love the unit! I will be using this next week for skills! Thanks for sharing! You always have the cutest little things!

  14. I had my first steel city pop (strawberries and cream) a couple of weeks ago. Holy moly... it is definitely a little piece of heaven for sure!!!

    From Blood to Books!

  15. Hi Sarah - I'm laughing right now..not because of the knocked over egg cartons although I did read your last post and wouldn't have been surprised. LOL But because of Teddy - our sweet pug Bella does the same exact thing. She loves rolling around in sidewalk chalk when the kids would use it in the front yard. PUgs are the best!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. They are the best, Vicky! How funny that yours does the same thing! Love it!
