Friday, August 9, 2013

Birthday In a Bag (Freebie!)

Sadly, this is my last weekday of summer vacation.  It flew by, as it usually does, and I am filled with excitement, nerves, and a little anxiety--there is still so much to do!  Next week will be full of professional development sessions, meetings, and preparing for "Meet the Teacher", and the week after that...I will be kicking off the new year with a brand new group of little smarties!

That said, I am trying to think ahead this year.  I am trying to think of all the little (and big) things that can help me once the crazy begins!  {Ha!}  Yesterday I worked on putting together our "Birthday in a Bag" labels and letters.  It is really a simple idea, and it is a tradition on our grade level--everyone on our team does Birthday in a Bag.

Instead of parents sending in cupcakes, or bringing a cake, or bringing goodie bags, candy, etc. for the entire class--we send home the Birthday in a Bag for the parents to decorate and fill with treats, notes, and trinkets for their child only.  I have my students open the bag during snack while we sing "Happy Birthday".  Everyone LOVES to see the lucky birthday kid's special items.  No one complains that they didn't get a cupcake or treat, they are just happy to celebrate with their birthday friend.

I like Birthday in a Bag because it doesn't take up extra class time, it is easy to implement, and it is a fun and special thing just for the birthday boy or girl!  I send home the bags at the beginning of each child's birthday month, along with a letter for the parents.  You can download your own copy of the letter and label for free below!


  1. I absolutely love this idea!!!! Thank you!

  2. Sarah,

    This is an excellent idea! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  3. What a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for sharing this. I love it.

  4. Cool idea! I think I am going to give the birthday girl/boy a baggie with stickers, a birthday pencil, and a special eraser this year. Hopefully they will think it's fun and I won't get any backlash from parents about not allowing treats.

  5. Oh I LOOOOOOVE this!!! Gonna have to change up the birthday routine because this is too good!

    Thanks lady!

  6. Love this!! Do you have extras in case a parent doesn't participate? I usually have at least 1 parent each year who doesn't do anything for their child's birthday :(

  7. I think this is a super cute idea. Anyway to change it for the school's who don't allow any candy, treats?

  8. This is a great idea! I try to do one birthday a month (all the kiddos whose birthday are in that month celebrate on the same day). That has worked well but I'm moving to 1st grade this year and I LOVE this idea! Thank you for sharing it.

    The Caffeinated Teacher

  9. This is so great. We are not allowed to do food for birthdays and it is aways a problem. I love this idea so the birthday child is the focus. I too would make up one or two extras - just in case. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This is such a fantastic idea... Thanks for sharing. Our school does not allow cupcakes, but some teachers and parents sneak them in. This will be a wonderful way to celebrate birthdays.

  11. What a cute idea! I hate all the store-bought cupcakes for birthdays! What do you do if a parent doesn't send it in? I always have several kids who don't bring anything on their birthday. We don't have a snack time (I teach 2nd), but it would be fun at some other point in the day.

  12. @ Amy--I haven't ever had a parent not send one in! {I've been doing this 5 years now!} And now that I think about it, I can't believe that! I don't know if it's because the kids make such a big deal of it, or if it's because it is easy on the parents? I guess it would be smart to have one or two extra just in case!

  13. I LOVE this idea! Such an original idea and it sounds so much better than the big cupcakes that come in. Thank you!!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  14. What a great idea! I think this will work so well. I am really excited to use it this year. Thank you for sharing!


  15. Great idea Sarah! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. Love this idea so much! Thanks for the freebie!!

    Projects & Polkadots

  17. I love this idea, thanks for sharing the printable. Sadly I will have to make my own though as our school does not allow candy or treats to be brought into the classroom! Thanks again for the wonderful idea.

  18. I saw this idea on Instagram and loved it but there were labels or tags? I think they were on the bag... Is that available to print?
