Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Baby and Some Sticker Books.

Meet Greyson.

He was born on February 22nd--one week before his due date.  It's so crazy, but I must have known he was coming.  On Friday (the 21st), I worked the whole school day, and for some reason, instead of taking my exhausted self home, I felt the need to clean up the classroom, get morning work printed for a few days the following week, and leave out my maternity binder and a few sticky notes with directions.  I'm soooo glad I did.  Because only a few hours later, I was having contractions, and it was baby time!

So, I'm currently on maternity leave, enjoying precious moments with my sweet little guy.

Random thought, but, it is so hard to believe that almost 4 years ago, I was starting this blog.  Emma was then a newborn, and I wasn't sure what do with myself during her naps...so I made a blog!  :)

Anyway, in between feedings, snuggles, nap times, cleaning, playing with Emma, cooking, and a little crafting, I am trying to squeeze in some time to update and refresh old units, and possibly finish ones I have started!  I really do have TpT/creativity ADD--I have at least 4 projects that I started months ago, and have never finished. {I really annoy myself sometimes.}

Here is one of the recent updates that I'm excited about..

My best selling Sight Word Sticker Book is now NEW and IMPROVED!  I love the changes made to it, and I've already been able to put it into use this school year.  I must say...I like it.  I like it a lot.  #justsayin.  {Can you hashtag on a blog?}  #addictedtohashtags  #iblameinstagram  #sorrynotsorry

This NEW sticker book covers all of the Dolch words--and it is split into different books arranged by the Dolch lists: pre-primer, primer, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade--so there are 5 books in all.  This book also includes a sight word *spelling* option, which has been great for differentiating with all of my students.  For my strugglers, I only asked them to read the words for stickers, and for my more experienced readers, I have been able to challenge them to learn how to spell the words to earn their stickers.

Some teachers use these books with all of their students (like me), but I know of many others who use them just for intervention--either way, it has been my most favorite tool in motivating students to practice, learn, and retain their sight words.

If you already own a copy of my Sight Word Sticker Book (Dolch Version only right now), go download your revised version here!  If you don't own a copy, please follow me on Facebook and leave a comment below to win one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I will also be working on adding my Fry Version to TpT sometime soon!  :)


  1. Next Fall I start my student teaching with half the time in general education and the other half of the semester in special education.. I am in LOVE with your blog and it has inspired me so much in the journey of becoming a teacher. I would love this sight word book as a tool for myself as an aspiring teacher! Thank you!!!! And thank you even more for all of your inspiration.

  2. I use Heidi Songs and other games to teach sight words. Congratulations as well!!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  3. Congratulations he's beautiful!

    Some of our favorite activities are writing sight words in shaving cream, in sand, and rainbow writing them. Your sight word sticker book looks so cute!

  4. My favorite sight word resource is you tube ! Fun, repetitive songs ! Thanks for the opportunity to win !


  5. What a cutie.
    These are so cool.

  6. I am a new teacher so I really do not have any sight word tricks. I like to use sight words in their centers and we practice them a lot during guided reading. I look forward to reading everyone else's comments for ideas. :)


  7. Greyson is so so cute!!! And I love the updates! You rock Sarah!

  8. Congratulations on the addition to your family!

  9. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! blindwillow@aol.com

  10. That picture just made my day - so sweet! Congratulations!!
    By the end of first grade, my students are supposed to know the first 400 Fry words (!!!). Many still need help with the Kindergarten list, so we use Snapwords (flashcards with visual reinforcement) and play many games of "Slap!" during breakfast, snack, and every spare moment in between! They would LOVE the sticker tracking books :)
    Thanks for the giveaway & enjoy your time with your growing family :)

  11. Congratulations on your baby boy! He looks just darling!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  12. Congrats on your sweet baby boy!

  13. Congrats! It is crazy how mother's intuition kicks in! I had a similar situation when my son was born two years ago and I am hoping I will again for my little one due in May. I love the idea of sticker tracing books!
    Fun in ECSE

  14. Congrats....what a handsome sweet little baby! We use a rainbow words system where the kiddos earn their way through the colors to complete a rainbow and get a skittles snack. I also love to have the kids do magic writing with their words. They write them in white crayon and paint or color marker over them to make them appear, They love it:) Your sticker books would be another fun way to motivate them...what kid doesnt love getting stickers?
    Congrats again and enjoy your precious time off with your new little bundle.

  15. Congrats on the baby! He is ADORABLE!!! Enjoy the time at home it really seems to fly by! Thanks for all the wonderful TPT items! I love your products and so do my students!

  16. Greyson is precious! Your story sounds EXACTLY like how my son was born. I also stayed after on a Friday to get things in order (a week before my due date) and my contractions started a few hours later!

    To teach sight words, I love to use Heidisongs. I also use Jan Richardson's format from The Next Step in Guided Reading, so each time a students learn a word, they do mix and fix, what's missing, table writing, and whiteboard writing. Day 2 they incorporate it into their guided writing. I also try to send home a sight word goal page for each student for the week and find guided reading books that incorporate those words. I am always looking for new ways to go about it, especially for the strugglers! Thanks for sharing!


  17. Such a sweet baby! Ii have a three year old little girl and am scheduled for a csection on April 14th for the arrival f my little boy! I amglad to know that blogging and creating can still be done! I am trying to get into the swing of things and it is HARD! Thanks for the encouragement. :)
    Daisy Days for Learning

  18. Congrats on your sweet baby! I love to use chants to learn how to spell sight words with my kinder kiddos!

  19. What a sweet, precious little boy! Enjoy every minute!!! Congrats to you and your family!

    For teaching sight words, our district recently moved towards Common Core and they suggest we learn common sight words but they don't have a specific list. So, rather than create something new our team is using the Fry lists organized in "rainbow word" lists by Jen Jones at Hello Literacy. It is a lot of work to set up but has been worth the time. Our kiddos LOVE it and are so motivated by the system. I highly recommend it!

    Thank you so much for all your inspiration! I absolutely LOVE you blog!


  20. Congrats again!! I'm glad to hear you are doing well!

  21. He's adorable! Amazing how that intuition thing works, eh?
    I sing and clap each letter of their new sight word (no particular tune...lol) and pin it up on our word wall!

  22. Congratulations on your little guy. Enjoy your time with him.

  23. Congrats on your little guy. Enjoy your time with him.

  24. Fun giveaway! I love learning with my grandson and his sight words. It is so fun to see him recognize a word when we are out and about. His teacher have put sight words on a ring and that seems to work pretty well. I love to read books with him and find sight words in the story.

  25. He is beautiful!!! Congratulations to you!!!!!!!!

  26. Congratulations! I love using songs to teach sight words.

  27. Love your blog, your store, and your story:) So glad you share your talents!

  28. Congratulations! I like plyaing sigh word bingo, using sight word songs, and having the kids highlight the words in their writing.

  29. Your little guy is so stinkin' cute! I try just about everything to get sight words into my day (my students are extremely low this year). The thing that has worked the best this year is the songs I've found on various sights. Ica625@aol.com

  30. Always looking for Intervention Ideas and this looks like something that would help a few of my kiddos.


  31. We love adding movement by learning to sign our sight words! Great product!

  32. Congrats!!!! We like playing sight word bingo.

  33. Congrats! For sight words I like to sing songs or go on word hunts!

  34. My favorite is posting foam hands on my doorway. (I found them at Dollar Tree of course!) I write our sight words we're focusing on the hands and then the kids high-five a word (& say it) every time we leave the room! Simple and fun!

  35. He is so adorable! Congratulations! My favorite sight word activity is to wrote the words on top of ziplock bags filled with hair gel! Easy, fun and cheap!

  36. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! He is precious. My favorite sight word activity is to write the words on top of ziplock bags filled with hair gel. It's lots of fun, super easy and cheap!

  37. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! He is precious! My favorite sight word activity is to write the words on top of ziplock bags filled with hair gel. It's super fun, easy and inexpensive!

  38. Congratulations!! We love singing songs to spell and read our sight words!


  39. I like to come up with games where the kids race to say or write the sight word first, especially where they have to use the word wall to "guess" my sight word.
    Congrats on the new baby!!

  40. Congrats on the beautiful baby! Boys are so much fun!!
    Another way to motivate them to learn sight words--love it!

  41. Congrats on the new baby! I am also a new mommy to twins! Needless to say, I am very busy between them, my five year old and teaching! These books look precious and something fun to add to our routine of cheering our words! 😄

  42. Congratulations on your new little guy, he is adorable. I used your Sticker books last year in first grade and the kids loved them. I am in TK this year, so no sight words for us.

    Kinder Princess

  43. Congratulations on your new baby! He is adorable!
    I love your sight word sticker books too!!

  44. Congrats! For sight words I really like to use the types of mats where you read the word, write the word, and build the word!

  45. congratulations! my first thought was, "Oh so presh..." then my second thought was, "How on earth does she have time to blog with a new baby??"

  46. Oh Cooley!!!!!!! Baby Greyson is soooooooooooooooooooooooo darn P R E C I O U S!!!! I know your enjoying that bundle of joy! I'm sure Emma is enjoying being a big sister. So happy for you and your family. I miss seeing your pictures on IG. Hopefully you post lots of pics on your blog! Go girl you've popped out two cuties!!!!!!!!


  47. What a perfect little baby. I love his swaddling and his name too! That is the same name we gave to one of our cats only ours is spelled with an "a" like the colour because his is gray!He is our gray son!!!! Get it?! I also love the book you have designed for children and wish I'd had it before my son turns ten! He'll be ten next week. Maybe we could still benefit from it actually since my son the human one has dyslexia and ADHD. I wonder if he would use it though?? He hates homework but loves to read. Sanna
