Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lemonade Stand

This one is for Alex.

When life gave her lemons, she really and truly made lemonade.

I am so excited about the reveal of my Lemonade Stand mini unit, for 3 reasons: 1.  I love the activities, and think it will bring many fun memories for my class!  2.  I created all the clip art in this one!  3.  *And most important and exciting*--half of the proceeds from this packet will be donated to an AMAZING organization that I can't wait to tell you all about...

Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation  

I stumbled upon the website for Alex's Lemonade Stand while creating my lemonade packet.   I read the story of the foundation's founder-- 8 year old Alexandra "Alex" Scott, who bravely fought, but lost her battle with cancer.  She was diagnosed with neuroblastoma shortly before her first birthday.  The day after her fourth birthday, she told her mom that she wanted to open up a lemonade stand and give the money she earned to all the doctors and nurses "to help other kids like they helped me."  She opened her stand after coming home from the hospital, and raised $2,000!  As Alex fought for her life, her parents continued to have the lemonade stand each year, and news of what they were doing spread all over the world.  By the time Alex passed away, she had helped to raise $1 million for childhood cancer research.  Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation funds cutting edge research projects, and provides travel programs for families of children fighting cancer.  

It is SO easy to get involved and help this amazing foundation.  I know spring and summer months inspire our students and children to have lemonade stands, and what an incredible teaching moment and service project to have a lemonade stand to remember Alex and help the children who are still battling the disease.  

As a mother, Alex's story broke my heart, but also inspired me.  What an amazing, selfless, brave, and incredible little person she must have been.  She made such a huge difference with her life!  

I know that I want to help this foundation in some way--and what an amazing gift this blog is to share this story with others.  Even if you don't need a Lemonade mini unit, you can go directly to the site to donate.

To preview my Lemonade Stand mini unit, click the lemonade stand below:


  1. Aww...Alex's story broke my heart...but you're right what a great teaching moment.


  2. Wow! What an amazing little girl.
    Very cool unit!

  3. Very cute clip art and a generous way to get the word out there! Love it!

  4. Love this and such a great way to help! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  5. Such an inspiring young lady...Such a great donation on your part for this great cause. Purchasing the unit~

  6. What an amazing story and an awesome cause to donate to!

  7. What a fabulous story... thanks so much for sharing... can't wait to donate.
    Lory's Page

  8. So sweet! Both the donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand AND the unit! Purchased!!!! :)

    Kelli :)
    Castles and Crayons

  9. We are starting our Alex's Lemonade Stand this coming Monday April 2!!!! My whole school is participating, and we cannot wait to get started. We lost a former student just this past January because of cancer. She was young too. Check out our wiki about our effort...
    Thanks for sharing your story and the great lemonade unit!

  10. This is so sweet! I would love to do this with my class!


  11. I love so many of the ideas on your blog. Thanks for sharing. I will be purchasing the unit (both for Alex and because it's so stinking cute). If you get a chance, I would love it if you could stop by my new blog.

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! You have such great ideas! I just started my own blog and waiting on my blog make over! If you have any great advice I'd love to learn from you! If you are interested in integrating technology into your classroom, maybe you could stop by my blog!
