Friday, August 3, 2012

I've Missed You!!!

I'm BACK!  I can't wait to tell all of you what I have been up to.  It has been the craziest, busiest summer of my whole life, but...Yay!  We built a house!  That's me and the Mr.--very excited because after 4+ months of making endless decisions, worrying, and waiting...we have our little dream house!  AHHHH!  I am so happy I could cry.  Actually, I did cry.  A few times.
I LOVE, love, love my stairs!!!!  And, the blue walls!  Y'all--this house is just SO me.  Once I have it all decorated and precious, I might just have to give a little bloggy tour of it!  ;)

So, what else?  I have been enjoying spending time with this sweet little face:
She is so stinkin' precious and hilarious.  I have loved spending time with her and watching her grow this summer.  But, seriously--if I have to watch Sid the Science Kid or Elmo's World ONE more time...I will probably run down the street screaming.  Just keeping it real, people.  

Also, time out has been in full force {I mean, she's TWO} so the picture below shows just how familiar she was with the corner.  She decided to put ALL of her stuffed buddies in time out one morning.  I wonder what they did?  Who knows, but they all got stickers a few minutes later!  Ha!

Becoming best friends with our pug Teddy isn't hard to do when you feed him Cheerios.  Emma discovered this was the best way to get Teddy to stay in her room and "play".

Teddy LOVES Cheerios!  He's so happy about it, he's smiling!!! :)

We also tried potty training this summer.  Did it go well?  Not so much.  Yep...that's undies...on her  head.  We'll try again soon.

Yesterday, I went to work in my classroom.  This is what I saw when I walked in the door:

No, I did not move schools!  We have to clear everything out at the end of the year so the floors can be cleaned and waxed!  But, oh my goodness...I have SO much to do before my new little friends arrive for Meet the Teacher.  I was slightly overwhelmed when I walked in.  So, I sat there for awhile...looked around, found a few dead spiders that were the size of my face...and I turned right back around to go get massive amounts cleaning supplies!!!  I am planning on changing the theme and colors in my room this year, so I can't wait to share the "after" picture with you soon!  


  1. Congrats on the new house!! It looks great! My fiance and I are in the process of building a house too and's stressful!

    Krazy About Kiddos

  2. I love your dream house!! We have some blue walls like that in part of our house too. The stairs are beautiful! CONGRATS!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  3. I've missed you!! So glad you're back. Congrats on the house! Looking forward to classroom pics :)

    The Learning Tree

  4. Congrats!! Your house is beautiful and your little one will train when she is ready, don't stress...I've been there three times and each kid is different (she is a doll, by the way! =)
    First Grade Blue Skies

  5. Congrats on you new house!!! Your adorable daughter looks like she had such a FUN summer with her mom!

    Glad to have you back, Sarah!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  6. Your house looks great! Can't wait to see upcoming classroom posts, too!

    Enjoy your last days of summer!


  7. So glad you're back! The house is amazing {obsessing over the stairs right now}, your daughter is too cute for words, and that love!

    Glad you've had a wonderful summer. I sat in my room overwhelmed the other day...and then just left! HA! I wasn't ready for it!!

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  8. Your house is beautiful! How exciting! Congrats!! Your daughter (and the pug!!) are adorable!

    I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that sits and looks around and gets overwhelmed when entering my classroom! :)

    Good luck with your school year...glad you're "back"! :)

    Morning Sun First Grade

  9. Your house is beautiful! Love those stairs too! ;) Congrats on everything this summer!


  10. Can't wait to see what you decide to do in your classroom! Love your house!

  11. Love all your pictures!! And LOVE your pug Teddy! I get my brand new puppy pug tomorrow!!

    If you get a free moment {but you are probably staring at your fabulous house :)} check out my blog!

    -Ms. Thomas


  12. have been busy! Your house looks so inviting and grand! I can't wait to see your magic work in your classroom! SMILES (check ou my Blog if you have not done so already)

  13. Congrats on the new house! It's beautiful!!! So glad you're back! Teddy is soo cute! Your daughter is precious! I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your room when it's finished. :-)

  14. Missed you too, Sarah!!!!!!! I look forward to your blog posts! I cannot WAIT to see more pics of your house! YAY!!! Congrats!

    P.S. Your little girl is ADORABLE!

  15. Ha ha....I felt the same way when I walked in my classroom this week. Love your new house!

  16. Your house is absolutely adorable!! And your baby girl is absolutely precious:) Love the time-out pic, HAhaha! I know what you mean about walking into your classroom, doing a lap or two and walking back make a game plan! But, whew, where did summer go??? Good luck with the start of your year, Sarah!

  17. Congrats on your dream house! It is so stinkin' cute! Emma is adorable. I also have a 2 year old and know what you mean about ELMO's World! Haha! We also adventured into the world of potty training and didn't have great success yet. We'll just keep trying right. : )

    The Teacher's Backpack

  18. Congrats on your dream home! It is so stinkin' cute! Emma is adorable. I also have a 2 year old girl and know exactly what you mean about Elmo's World. Ha! I am also a big fan of pugs. We adventured into the world of potty training as well and didn't have any success yet. We'll just keep trying. I went into my room and felt the same way. I feel so overwhelmed that I don't even know where to start. Ugh! Can't wait to see what your classroom looks like!

    The Teacher's Backpack

  19. Good Luck! I know it will turn out great.

  20. To.Die.For! Simply gorgeous and yes your stairs are Uh-mazing! How incredibly fun. Completely understand why you haven't been bloggin daily. What a fun time! Hard to go set up your classroom when all you want to do is set up your new house! Congratulations!
    ~Christy & Tammy

    ps Sure hope some of your students don't come dressed like your lil one-teehee!

  21. We are glad you are back...I missed you! Emma and Teddy are adorable and the panties on the head is priceless. That is one to share on her wedding day! =)

    I love the is the blue of your blog background. =)

    I am excited to see your room when you finish. Try and relax this weekend.

    Heather's Heart

  22. I can't wait to see your finished classroom look! I am overwhelmed with getting my room ready to...I'm moving up to first grade this year from kindergarten.

  23. Your house is beautiful and your daughter is precious! We have to pack up like that, too!
    Finally in First

  24. That's so awesome!!! Congrats to you!!!!

  25. I love the blue in your house! Also love the pictures of your daughter. I have to pack everything up too and I haven't made it back to my room yet.

    Apples and Papers

  26. Love that picture of you in front of the new house!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  27. Beautiful home! Enjoy potty is fun when they are ready to show of their undies :)
    My Second Sense

  28. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Congrats on it all!

  29. Sarah, I'VE MISSED YOU!!! Your house is BEAUTIFUL, and your daughter is precious. My goodness! I cannot wait for you to get into your classroom and start sharing pictures. So happy your internet is back up. You are always my favorite on my blog roll. Love you, sweet friend! I'm so happy for you.

  30. Your new house looks AMAZING! Wow! How exciting. :) Your little girl is so cute too!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  31. Congrats on the house!! I love that shade of blue!! Everything looks great & enjoy your dream house! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  32. I have recently found and started visiting your blog!! I am a fellow first grade teacher too! We have to do the same thing with our rooms during the summer. I went up to my classrom today which also looked like yours. I laughed when I read the comment about spiders and cleaning supplies! I thought I was the only one who did that!!!

    Congrats on your new house. Its so pretty. I look forward to your educational inspiration this year!! Best wishes!!

  33. I love the blue stairs and the brick outside. Gorgeous!

  34. A pug! I love pugs, I have one too. Best breed! I love how they smile!

  35. Oh Sarah...your sweet baby and house are absolutely beautiful!! So glad you're back..I can't wait to see more of your classroom. ;)

  36. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you for sharing these great pics of your summer! Your dream house is beautiful, your baby girl is ADORABLE, and even your dog looks happy! If I were you, I may not have bothered blogging at all this summer. :)

    I’m your newest follower. I am a Newbie Blogger, so I appreciate all of the sharing of advice and ideas. Come on over for a visit sometime.
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

  37. Sarah. . .I love the house! Congratulations! Trust me potty training is hard work, but it won't last forever {though it might seem like it will while you're working on it}! I hope you have a fabulous school year!

  38. Your house is beautiful!! :) I love the stairs, too!

    I TOTALLY feel you with the whole two-year old "fun." We have also had to visit time-out a time or twelve this summer AND had a failed attempt at potty training.

    Glad to see you back, and can't wait for more of your great ideas!

    Sweeties In Second

  39. Oh please please put more pictures of your beautiful house! I would love to see it!

  40. Sarah - congrats on your cute house!!! I have a fun little pug too - Bella. Enjoy your little goes WAY to fast. :o) Good to have you back.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
