Thursday, December 27, 2012

Have You Hugged a Computer Today?

The New Year is almost here!  What?  "Are you serious, Clark?"  2012 has flown right by, and I am still in awe of everything that has happened this past year!  To celebrate the ending of a fantastic year, and to give (and get) some inspiration for 2013, I am linking up with my friend Kathleen at one my favorite blogs, Growing Kinders, to share some of my technology "treats" and resolutions with you!

Um, resolution a better blogger in the upcoming year!  Thank you to everyone who still reads (and comments) on my poor neglected blog!  Please bear with me as I get back to blogging regularly! Life this year has been a whirlwind of crazy (a good kind of crazy)--just so busy, and trying to balance many things at once!

Anyway, moving right along...

Technology "treats" that I just love:

I am so lucky to have a SmartBoard in my classroom.  It has been a long journey to finally get to feeling comfortable using it, and I would eventually love to learn to create charts for lessons.  It seems so super tricky, though! (Hey!  That can be my technology resolution #2!)  My lack of knowledge in creating lessons to use with my SmartBoard brings me to some of my favorite SmartBoard resources--already created-- and looking as precious as can be:

Jessica Meacham has been an inspiration to me since I started teaching.  Her website is literally a treasure box full of amazing ideas and resources.  She also has incredibly CUTE SmartBoard files for any topic or subject!

I absolutely LOVE SmartBoard calendars from Smart Lesson Stop!  The graphics in the products they create are incredible, and the daily math that the calendar pages cover are some of the best I have seen yet.  My kids love doing calendar, and I love it because it makes teaching hard concepts easy and engaging for my students.

In other news...let's talk about my favorite technology products:

1.  APPLE anything.  Looking for a new laptop?  Make it a MacBook Pro.  I've had mine for a little over a year now, and can't live without it.  Just make sure to purchase the Office Suite to go with it.  :) 
My Christmas present from the hubs was a GLORIOUS new Apple iMac!  STOP. it. RIGHT now!!!  I could have cried.  Really, I almost did.  I gave the box a tiny hug.  I can't wait to start creating new things with this rocking cool computer!

2.  The Bamboo tablet (kind of).  Many of you have asked how I create my clipart, and it started with purchasing the tablet.  I tried drawing only on the tablet, and it was really HARD!!!  So, I decided to hand draw my art, scan it, and then digitally color it using the software that came with the tablet.  So, really, I like the Photoshop Elements program that came with the tablet!  (Technology resolution learn more about creating clipart in Photoshop!)  I am really just teaching myself as I go, so I would love to take a class or something.  Please check out some of my newest clipart creations on TpT!  These are my two most recent ones:


Join in on the fun, and win some cool prizes--link up with Kathleen to share YOUR technology favorites and resolutions!  
And again, thanks for reading, dear friends.  


  1. I love my Mac and I LOVE your clipart!! Great share!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I LOVE your clip art! I always love buying your products when you've done all the clip art. You have such a cute style, which I love! I'm excited you're selling your clip art now. :) I'm also a Mac girl. I feel like I need my Mac like I need my right arm. I'm hooked!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  3. Your blog is great. Thanks for having and keeping my Beginning Reading Help blog in your sidebar. I have your blog in my sidebar too. It's a great way to keep up with my favorite blogs.
    Your clip art is great. I have a Bamboo tablet that came with Photoshop. I plan to try to make some clip art myself soon. My three kids like to play around with it too. We don't use it enough. Seeing what you have done with it gives me motivation to use it more.

  4. Just ordered a 27 inch imac last night. I'm so excited. I love your blog and your clip art is precious. My goal is to get familiar with photoshop.

  5. IMAC is on my Need To Get List...keeping my digital fingers waiting...
    Happy New Blogging Year!

  6. Sarah, I am so excited that I found your adorable blog! Thanks for sharing your clipart tips, I have just begun making some and am having a blast with it! You definitely helped to spark the fire for me :) I love your blog and am your newest follower! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  7. Good to visit your blog Sarah. It was fun reading your blog and enjoyed reading it. I like the font and the funky look of your blog. Would love to visit again.
    computer science degree

  8. I'd love to read more about how you create your own clipart in Photoshop!

    First Grade Lyons' Den

  9. Sarah! You are never cease to amaze me! You are creating the cutest stuff lately, I love it. I know this sounds so weird, since I have never mentored you, but I am so proud of you! I think I'm already ready to make the big switch to Mac. My husband has a Macbook Pro and he never uses it, it's brand new...I think I almost have him convinced to give it to me. I know there will be things about it that I can't do, but I'll figure it out and learn as I go. I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE. my new iPad and have been dabbling in making borders and my own clipart, too...just not felt brave enough to sell the clip art and design elements yet. I want to learn how to use Photoshop so bad, I am such a nut for technology and design and it drives me crazy that I am not proficient in that...urrrr! Anyway, I just wanted to take a minute to tell you to keep up the awesome work! You are an inspiration!
    Happy New Year!
