Saturday, December 29, 2012

Take a Ride on the Blue Slide

Any great educator knows that you never stop learning, and I think the awesome thing about us teachers is that we have a love of learning that doesn't stop once we graduate!  In the upcoming year, I have a few tiny major goals to help me grow professionally...

1.  Take a ride on the blue slide at THE Ron Clark Academy.

Ron Clark has been an inspiration to me since before I started teaching.  I've read all of his books, and just recently finished reading The End of Molasses Classes--and, OH!  How I just LOVE Ron Clark.  His passion for teaching and unapologetic honesty regarding some of the not-so-glamorous parts of our job makes me appreciate him even more.   How cool would it be to visit his school to see creative, outside-the-box teaching at its very best?  Plus, I just really want to go down that blue slide.

2.  Do one cRaZy science experiment with Science Guy, Steve Spangler, and {possibly} go on his Science At Sea Alaskan Cruise.

I have blogged about Steve before (yep, I call him Steve--like we are best pals)--when I was a little girl, I was invited to do some simple science experiments on his TV segment on our local news!  Now Steve is totally famous!  He does regular appearances on the Ellen show, makes all kinds of incredible science toys, and travels the country doing hands-on workshops.  He LOVES science and makes learning
F-U-N.  Yet another passionate educator and learner that inspires me daily.  I love science!  I love fun!  I have GOT to attend one of his workshops this year.  It is a must.

3.  Begin thinking/praying about/preparing for National Board Certification.

I have to be honest, this goal scares me.  It is already pretty tough balancing life and teaching as it is, but I have heard that going through the National Board process is one of the BEST ways to grow as an educator.  A sweet teacher on my grade level who has been through National Boards successfully has been talking to me about it lately, and her encouragement is really making me consider it.  

4.  Last, but not more like Mrs. Frizzle.

I am determined to not let endless amounts of assessments, paperwork, and other daily tasks get in the way of making learning a daily ADVENTURE for my littles.  

Link up with Amanda at One Extra Degree to share your professional goals for 2013!  She is also having a flash giveaway!!!     


  1. I need to read more of Ron Clark's stuff! For some odd reason I haven't read any of it, even though I keep hearing great things! Thanks for the post!

    And, the very best of wishes as you wrestle with your decision on National Board Certification! That's big stuff!

    Smiles - Lisa
    Growing Firsties is co-hosting a Shout Out Linky beginning January 1st!

  2. I love your last goal! So true we need to remember to make everyday an adventure! I'm thinking of doing my national boards this year too! Good luck if you decide to go for it!

    Carolina Teacher

  3. I love the last one!! That is something all teachers should live by!!! :)

  4. Sarah, Ron Clark spoke at our beginning of the year professional development day a few years ago and all I can say is A-Maze-Ing!!! He was so inspirational:) I'd love to read/hear all about it, if you do attend his academy. Best of luck in meeting your professional goals in 2013!
    Shining and Sparkling in First Grade

  5. You have the best goals! I, too, would like to slide down that slide and do some crazy science! Ron Clark's books are so inspiring. And I love it when Steve Spangler is on Ellen! I love Goal #4... it's so easy to get caught up in all of the mundane tasks of teaching... it helps to stop and remember why I entered this profession in the first place! Happy New Year!

    EduKate and Inspire

  6. My district brought Ron Clark and Kim to our convocation and it was great! I was also selected to go and visit his school and I got to ride down the blue slide! His school, students, and vision are AMAZING! I really hope you do get a chance to visit his school, it has forever changed my life, the way I treat/respect my kids, and how I approach every day and lesson! He lives by EVERYTHING he writes in his book!
    Good luck!
