Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Special Announcement...

So, I have fallen WAY behind on the blogging the last couple of weeks--I hope you haven't forgotten about me--but, wanted to share my good news!  I am  expecting baby #2!!!  I will try to update more about our classroom adventures--but teaching all day, then coming home to clean up, cook, and chase after my 3 year old--I won't lie--I have been all kinds of stressed, and super tired!  {I miss my daily summer naps!} Anyway, we are all very excited about the baby--I *think* Emma understands, and keeps saying with confidence that she is having a sister.  {We don't know yet!} We keep saying..."Well, it could be a baby brother..."  And she just says, "No.  It's a sister."  If this baby does happen to be a boy (which I suspect) things could get interesting around here, people!  :)  My second pregnancy is so different from my first--for one, I look full-on pregnant and I'm only 15 weeks--I've looked this way for about the past 3 weeks.  At least 7 people have asked if I'm having twins--and when I reply "No!  Just one!"  They respond with, "...Are you SURE?"  {Um, yes--and thanks for letting me know how fat pregnant  I am.  HA!  Goodness.}

I will be back (sometime) THIS week to update you on our Melanie Watt author study!  She might just be my new favorite author.  We are having all kinds of fun with Scaredy Squirrel, and I can't wait to share pictures!


  1. Congratulations! I showed REALLY early with my last one. People thought for sure I was having multiples...but nope, I just carried big (its really funny all of these years later because I was HUGE but I only gained 16 lbs with her haha). She was also the smallest of my three. I was just carrying really huge.

  2. Aww Congrats Sarah! I remember feeling the same way in regards to being super tired with my second. I carried the exact same way and thought for sure I was having another girl...I gained 26 lbs and with my first 29. Everything seemed so similar. We were surprised and it was a BOY!!!! So fun to be surprised. We weren't with our first. Anyway sorry - just wanted to share. I'm so excited for you and your family. Your daughter will make a great big sister! Enjoy this time and praying for your little blessing!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. Congrats! I just found out I am pregnant too and I hear you on being so tired. My son is about to turn two and is on the go all the time. I have heard that you show earlier with the second so we shall see! Congrats again and I am sure your daughter will be excited with a brother or sister!
    Fun in ECSE

  4. Congratulations!!!!!! Many blessing to you and your family!

  5. Love the announcement pictures. Congrats :)
    You are not fat, you are beautifully round and perfect.
    My Second Sense

  6. Congratulations, Sarah!!!! So happy for you and your sweet family!! Best wishes to you during your pregnancy!



  7. Congrats! Let the annoying belly rubbing begin! If we don't see you for another post in months, just know you are completely forgiven and no one would forget about you :)

    Teaching in the Tongass

  8. Yeah, Congrats!!! We are at a similar stage in life it sounds like! I'm 14 weeks with my second, my daughter is 4, she's fully convinced it's a girl, I'm falling behind in every area of life, and showing much sooner this time too! Love the sweet pictures of your daughter, too! :)


    Mrs. Prince and Co.

  9. Yay! Don't listen to those crazy people. I'm sure you look great, and as long as you keep yourself and the baby healthy, that's what counts!

    Carolina Teacher

  10. Congrats!! I'm currently pregnant with my first {due in 5 weeks}! It took a long time for me to really "show," I think it was around 16 weeks. People kept commenting on how small I was so when I asked my doctor if everything was okay with my size, she said that most people are small the first time and she was sure I would be *much* bigger when I have another. So I guess I have the twin comments to look forward to with the next one. Haha. Congrats & good luck! :)

    Sliding into First!

  11. How exciting!! Congratulations!

    Science for Kids Blog

  12. Yeah! SO exciting:) Congrats to you and your family!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  13. Congrats! So exciting! March is the best time for a teacher to have a baby! My daughter was due 3/31 and born 4/7 but taking the rest of the year off and going into summer was awesome because I got a lot of time with her before going back to work!

  14. Congratulations! What an adorable photo announcement!


  15. WOnderufl news! Love the announcement idea! God bless!

  16. A little spring lamb! How wonderful. Two things are certain; Big sister will be such a helper and baby will love her. Much happiness to you all.

  17. Oh Sarah that is such great news! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  18. Congratulations! Health and well wishes to you and the baby

  19. Congratulations! Your daughter is adorable in those pics!
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten

  20. Congrats! Good luck with the pregnancy!

    Teachery Tidbits

  21. Congratulations!!! How exciting! I wish you and your family all of the best!

    Tales of a #teachernerd

  22. How exciting! Your due date is my birthday! It's a great day! :)

    Flying High in First Grade

  23. Congratulations! Such a sweet way to make the announcement. Love the pic. :-)

    Looks like baby #2 could have the same bday as Dr. Seuss! :-D

  24. Congratulations! I am so excited for you!!
