Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Tour

*Let me preface this post by saying that my room is NOT even finished yet...so, this is totally a "sneak peek"! Please don't judge my bare walls, unfinished bulletin boards, and unlabeled library/center baskets--that's the plan for this week!*  I moved from my cozy classroom of 5 years to a new (bigger!) classroom, and although I loved my old little room, I have to say, this one is pretty glorious...

Here is what you see when you enter...I had an extra set of curtains that I decided to use in the doorway.  I bought the pink scalloped table at a store called Nadeau--I'm a little obsessed with their cool furniture!  The pink table will be *probably* be where I store the kids' supplies for writing workshop--the little drawer pulls out and has a stapler and tape, and I plan to purchase a paper organizer and more buckets for writing and drawing tools.  The plastic desks under the table (found at Michael's) will be available for students to grab when they would like to write somewhere in the room other than their desk!

Here is my "modified" Daily 5 board.  I have been working on a Daily Five Freebie for y'all {with the cards on my board} and will go into more detail about how I use the board in a later post!  Right now, just enjoy the cuteness of it.  ;)  I am also LOVING the tissue paper border that I used this year.  It was surprisingly easy and it is SO unique!!! I found the tutorial here.

Above the whiteboard I have my "Alphazoo" letter cards--which had to be split up due to my GIANT clock.  The OCD in me has serious issues with this.  Oh well.  I'm going to *try* not to think about it!  Also, you can see my "Brownie Points" pan, "Quiet Mouse" of the Day sign, and Brain Sprinkles container.

Moving over to the other side of the whiteboard, you can see my "Wondrous Words" board.  The pocket charts (from Target Dollar Spot) will hold my spelling pattern words of the week and sight words of the week.  I am also thinking about posting my vocabulary words on these too.  

AW!  And look, it's Richard, our class bird/mascot!  I have had Richard for forever and a day.  
You can read more about him here.

Y'all...this is where I get embarrassed!  Remember, it is NOT finished yet!!! (It's just so bare!!!) But here is a shot looking over to the other side of the room.  I have a little Smartboard...and of course, my Junie B. Jones!  Hooray, hooray!

My library is not labeled, and neither are the green station baskets below.  I may get rid of that system all together--I'm still deciding!  

My Math Meeting board will have my calendar, weather, place value straws, and...I'm not sure what else yet!  {I'm just keeping it real!!!}

Look below and you will see my favorite classroom rug in the whole world--I found it at a store called Garden Ridge.  I am praying that no one tears it apart or throws up on it.  

You can also see my shabby rag string of lights hanging (they weren't on for the picture).  They make the classroom feel super cozy, especially on rainy days when it is kind of dark outside.  

And, here are the computers.  These are in a super tricky place--right in front of a white board and bulletin board--I spent many days just staring at this mess and wondering why someone would put those outlets right there--I mean, who needs that part of the white board?!  {AHHHH!  ME!!!  I NEED IT!!}  It stresses me to have my boards blocked, but I am learning to work with it.  ;)

My math tub shelf!  You can read more about it here.

The GLORIOUS counter top, sink, cabinets, and drawers!  So much storage!  Makes me happy.

The tubs on top of the cabinets are labeled with each month, and they are filled with materials I need for each unit of study.  Picture books, crafts, centers, games, etc.  I am crazy excited that I finally accomplished making these tubs.  I've been thinking about making them for about...FIVE years!  I tend to procrastinate...just a little.  I found the tubs at Lowe's for $5 each!  A STEAL!  

This isn't much to look at, but I started my hallway work display today. This is where I am right now--tomorrow I am going to add Melonheadz kids clip art above each blue paper with my students' names and a title for the work display.  I have no idea what it should say above it.  If you have a creative idea, I would love you forever if you'd share it with me!!!!  I might just send you a little something special from my TpT store if I pick your idea.  Just sayin'.  

Thanks for visiting!  I will try to post more pictures when it is finally finished!  :)  

Don't forget to link up with Blog Hoppin' to share your classroom, too!


  1. I LOVE your room! It's so pretty!!

    and I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who's room is *in progress* - it's a work of art throughout the whole year!!! :)

  2. You could name the work in the hallway "Our masterpieces". I love your room! The colors make me feel calm and I love the clean look of it. I also really like your white border on your bulletin boards.
    Rambling About Reading

  3. Your room looks great! Love the colors and the rug.

    First Grade Lyons' Den

  4. I think it looks fabulous so far...you definitely shouldn't be embarassed! Your color scheme is do "dainty". I use brownie points in my classroom too and my kids LOVE earning them!

    For the Love of First Grade

  5. That looks beautiful! I love the cool, calm colors! How did you make the little hallway displays? Is it just paper with ribbon attached?

    What Happens in First Grade

  6. I love your classroom! It's so well organized! It's also so reassuring to see that other people must spend a fortune on their rooms...not just me! haha!

  7. Found your blog doing a bit of blog hopping. I have only done a little bit of blogging and keen to take it further .... so it was lovely to find your blog today. Am an Aussie teacher and open to feedback and any helpful ideas :) Love how organised your classroom is ... so Lovely :)

  8. Where'd you get that rug, I LOVE it!

  9. Never mind,I re-read it! Silly!

  10. Love your pink table and curtains in the doorway! Your room looks great :)

  11. I love your classroom. For the display maybe Our Talented Class. Or in tying in with your Wonderous words board maybe Marvelous Masterpieces

  12. WoW! Even for not finished I think you've made great progress and it looks super cute! I LOVE your rug. As in, I was it in my HOUSE! Your color scheme is really cute :0)

  13. Oh your room looks so calming! I just love the color scheme! My computers sit just like that to and I've been thinking about letting them poke out and cover the back with a fabric skirt. Your bulletin boards are AMAZE! That little pink table is so cute. I love your sharpen and not sharpened labels. Did you make them? Im so jealous of all the storage space you have? It all looks amaze! As always I LOVE reading your blog.

    ((Hugs sweet friend))

  14. I love your room! What a steal those bins from Lowes were! I wish I had the room in my classroom to have tubs that like. Life would be pretty much perfect then!

    1, 2, Eyes On You!

  15. A new space? How wonderful. Newness is what school is all about isn't it. I loved then to see you using the familiar things to comfort those newest of the new; the curtains, the table and lamp. So welcoming.
    You have a knack with naming things, and I think alliteration is always a good way to go. It is easy to remember. Maybe because it is like music or poetry. Hmmmm. Anyway, Glorious Gallery could be fun. Those early art galleries give as great a thrill as any gallery ever did I bet.
    A star for you my dear. A big gold star!!!!!!!!

  16. What a beautiful job so far. You are truly gifted. Love all the decorations and organization.
    An idea for your hall display could be, "Introducing Ms Cooley's cool new crew or ...cool Grade one crew!"

  17. I love that little pink table by the door!!!! So shabby chic!

    Your room is coming along!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  18. Ah, I have the same rug, but mine is lime green and it's in my daughter's playroom!

  19. Love your classroom, and I'm so jealous of all your storage space. Your hallway display looks amazing, too! I love the look...so pretty! How about "Our Spot to Shine?"

  20. Super cute classroom already! I am also in the process of setting up/organizing and I totally feel ya on the awkward outlet placing... I have 2 outlets in my entire room! UGH! Lots of extension cords and multiple outlet things are needed. I had to put my listening center at the end of my teacher desk so that the cord could reach an outlet without having all of us trip on it a million times a day. Blah I'll have to live with it. As for your student work bulletin board... last year I made one with a polka dot table cloth background and labeled it the "You're Spot On!" board. Your polka dot ribbons made me think of it. Don't think I can fit it in my new room this year so I may have to expand it into the hallway as well. hmmmmm... Good luck with the rest of your decorating/organizing :)
    Samantha Kearns
    Tales of a #teachernerd

  21. Very nice! Congrats on your new, bigger room! I moved into a really big room a few years ago when no one else offered to move all their stuff and I LOVE it!

    I also had computers in front of a bulletin board and my teacher desk partly blocks my whiteboard, then they put my SMARTboard right in the middle of my whiteboard! What!?! So I have very little wb space left. Boo. Then they took my computers away and gave us iPads so now I have that bulletin board back, but I do miss my computers!

    We are not allowed to keep tubs on top of cabinets like that, although I wish we were - great storage space! Our fire marshal requires 2 feet of free space from the ceiling with no exceptions. I have to get creative with storage. :)

    Your colors are so beautiful. Very relaxing and homey and kid friendly. Love it!

  22. Oops, forgot to sign my comment lol! (Not a perfect teacher!) Take 2... :)

    Lindsey at Forever First Grade

  23. Just a suggestion for your computers, even though I have no idea if it will work with your tables...I put 2 tables back to back sticking out lengthwise from the wall and lined the computers up alternating, with (maybe)one on the end. It might cut your white board covered space in half, at the most? Hope it works, somehow!

  24. I have that same rug from Ikea! ps love those fluffy fun bulletin board borders

  25. I love your color scheme!!!!! And that rug!!!

  26. where did you get your bulletin board letters?

  27. I made a student work display using the laminated paper/names at top/hot glued clothespin this year as well. I borrowed my title from a pin I saw at some point. I took an old corkboard and used letters to write "EVERY CHILD IS AN ARTIST" in the middle then hung it with command strips. I'm pretty sure the quote is attributed to Picasso. I've had so many compliments on our art display area. It's my favorite thing I've made this year!

  28. Your classroom is vibrant! It's so organized it turns me into jelly..(jealous).. I'm having a very similar year. Tons to do and not enough time! :)

  29. I wanted to know what font you used to print the daily 5 and math meeting letters. Is this font available on tpt? Can you sell you hearing already made in your tpt store?
