*Check out my new and improved word helper signs! (Above) April at Chalk Talk made them and sent me a copy! I think she did a great job! Now I have to go purchase some DJ Inkers Clip Art...
This past week my class has been very busy brainstorming the qualities of good readers, discussing where readers read, learning how to find books in our classroom library, practicing how to read independently, and most of all, we have been enjoying good books together! Soon they will learn the strategies that good readers use when they come to unknown words--with a little help from my word helping animal friends! The posters (pictured at the top of this post) hang on the wall above my small group table, and my students are reminded daily of the strategies they should try when they get stuck on a word! After a few weeks, all I have to say is, "Skippy Kangaroo" or one of the names of the other strategies, and the kids know what to do. These are the descriptions for our word helping animals:
*Chunky Monkey: Look for smaller chunks you know inside the word.
*Stretchy Snake: Stretch out the sounds in the word, and blend them together.
*Eagle Eyes: Check the picture!
*Skippy Kangaroo: Skip over the word and read the rest of the sentence, then try it again.
*Flippy the Dolphin: "Flip" the vowel sound. If you tried the short vowel sound, try the word with the long vowel sound. Which one makes sense?
*Lips the Fish: Get your mouth ready. Make the beginning sound of the word.
OMIWORD. LOVE IT!!!!!! I'm going to have to steal, er, borrow this great idea!!!! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
I have a set of posters for decoding strategies and a set for comprehension strategies...it's great to see the kids remember the strategies by making a connection to their animal helper...It's so much fun!
My students love these. They are by far the best way to teach them strategies! I haven't seen the dolphin, I might have to add that one. :)
How cute! I might just have to make up my own little signs :) I bet my first graders will really get a kick out of this too!
This is really a clever way to teach the strategies! I'm going to try it at home with my almost first grader asap. Thanks!
Such a cute idea! I stumbled onto your blog from Chalk Talk and just fell in love! such cuteness!! I am also a first grade teacher .. Love looking at other classrooms and the fun ideas from great teachers! have a great year!
Now, I am off to check out your "Teachers who Rock" links!!
I LOVE this! As a matter of fact, I love it so much, I totally stole it, and posted about it over at my place. ;-) However, I'm going to call mine Reading Buddies. Hope you don't mind. :)
I love this idea! These are all the strategies I teach, but I never had something 'relatable' like animals for the kids to associate with the strategies. I hope you don't mind that I'm going to steal this idea for my own first grade classroom!
Do you have the actual graphics for this? I would love to use them! You have such a knack for this kind of stuff!!!! AWESOME WORK!
I too, use and love these...with Grade 5. My students especially like the comprehension strategy animals! :-) I know your 1sts must love the colorful posters. I also have the beanie babies for the students to read with. Very often, a student will be chunking with a monkey in their lap -- even at Gr. 5. :-)
Okay, I def borrowed this idea and my kids LOVE them! We've only had three days of school so I haven't had too many chances to introduce them, but just from a brief lookover during workshop my kids are EXCITED! I found my own animals using clip art. I like the idea of finding beanie babies for each animal!
Would you be willing to share these?
Hi Sarah, I love your blog.
I am a student teacher from Vancouver BC Canada and you are an inspiration.
I am wondering if you are willing to share this idea with me if you still have the file ?
my email is
Thank you so much
Hi Sarah.....love your ideas! Just wondering where you got the clipart for your Reading Buddies? I looked at both Scrappin Doodles and DJInkers, but can't seem to find those specific pictures? Are they on a certain cd? Going on maternity leave soon and have a long list of to-do things for school while I'm out. This idea is at the top of my list. Would love to hear back from you. Thanks!
I'm so happy my sister found your blog. Any chance you have the word helper signs in a file you can email? I would love to use this idea in my new first grade class.
Thanks for all the postings,
@Anonymous...For some reason, I never saved the file--I actually got the posters from April Larremore @ Chalk Talk! I know Deanna Jump also has similar posted on her site for download--I'm so sorry I couldn't get it to you myself!
@Addiegirl...April L. from Chalk Talk would know for sure--I am pretty sure they came on a CD from DJ Inkers {Maybe Ultimate Doodlers?}
Where can I get a copy of these?
hi! i love these signs!!!! how can i get a copy??
I love your creativity! Everyone seems to be asking the same question. Are the pictures available?
I'd love to get a copy of these for my first graders!!!! Could you share?
Thanks so much for all of the great ideas!
I'd love to get a copy of these animal word helpers for my 1st graders. Could you share a copy please? svelasco@lausd.net. Thank you so much for all the great ideas.
Where can I buy your posters? I love the animal theme. My classroom's theme is monkeys, especially Curious George. Please advise.
I too Love these posters! Can I please get a copy? How does this work?
Can you please share these reading strategies posters?
I love these reading posters! Could you send me a copy?
kristie.bloodworth@cmcss.net Thanks!
These are so cute! does 'Chalk Talk' have a tpt store?!?1 I would LOVE these in my classroom!
Hi. I am very interested in the Word Helpers and Reading Buddies. Would I be able to purchase these pictures cards from you to help with teaching dyslexic children. The visuals are terrific for helping them to remember the srategies. Thanks.
What a great idea - I'm always having difficulty getting the children to remember these key ideas.
I Love the word helper strategies. Would love to use them at the school that I teach in. Would you mind emailing them to me so that I can share with my colleagues? my email is npanchaud@live.com Alternatively, do you mind if I reproduce them for use at my school? Thanks!
Such great visuals! Would love a copy for my resource program. leahjoshhess@gmail.com THANKS!!!
Love your reading posters- can you please email me a copy trummels@hotmail.com or let me know where I can purchase?
Thanks Sonia
Can I get a copy? ipeters1@pps.net
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