Monday, July 25, 2011

It's a "Picto-Schedule!"

I finally find out who my new little friends will be this Friday!  I hope that by this time next week some of my new first grade families will be checking out our blog {hi!} and viewing this fun little picto-schedule, showing everything your busy first grader will be doing throughout the day! Our schedule is very different this year--we have our specials first thing in the morning followed immediately by P.E.  The rest of our day is packed full of learning fun!  This teacher is definitely getting excited for a brand new year!!!  


Ms. Brown said...

This is SUPER cute! As soon as I know my schedule, I'm making one just like it! Thanks for the idea :)

maypop said...

Very cute! Where do the pictures and font come from?

Mrs. Wheeler said...

I have specials at 8:20 and my kids arrive at 8:10! It's nutso at the beginning of the year, but kinda awesome if you aren't 100% prepared for the day the night before!


Kristi Smyers said...

Very cleaver and so simple. Great idea. Thanks.

Abby said...

I loooooooove this, Sarah!!!! How'd you do it?!

Literacy Teacher said...

I love that picture schedule!! Very Clever!

Barbara L said...

Very cool!

Unknown said...

So spill... how did you make this what application did you use, where did you find the pictures???

Ms. J said...

So cute!! Thanks for sharing!!

Miss J


First Grade Smarties said...

I love love love the picto schedule. Thanks so much for sharing.

Lauren Morse said...

You get your class list so early! I wish we did. We won't be getting ours until Tuesday (the day before we meet the kids on Wednesday and just two days before school starts on Thursday).
Your picture schedule is really cute!
Just Add Clipart

Rachel Lamb said...

so cute! Must make!

Julie said...

Do you have P.E. every day? I wish the schools in Nebraska did that!

beagle2love said...

Totally love this idea! Thanks for sharing! The students will love it!

Sarah Cooley said...

Christie & Abby--I made this on my Mac--if you have one, I used Pages, and used a template that was found under misc. {education scrapbook}. All I had to do was drag in the pictures I downloaded from lettering delights. I used LD Susie for the font!

Carin Moats said...

Hi Sarah!
ABSOLUTELY love the pics! What set were the pics from??? Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much I just looked in LD.... I love it!

Rachel Lamb said...

I remade in Word and PPT. could never get the shadowing right...png's turned gray in bg...but, oh well!

Unknown said...

Hey there, gave you credit on my blog...
Thanks again and happy school year!

Teresa said...

Oh my goodness... I love this!

Thanks for sharing!

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