Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breaking Pigeon News...

What!??  Y'all know how I feel about Mo!!!  His newest book was released today, and I am CRAZY excited about it!  Love the pigeon, love the duckling, and I love cookies, so it's all good.  :)  I cannot wait to read it to my kids when we do our Mo Willems author study in a few weeks!


Learning with Mrs. Parker said...

Love. It may make an appearance in our Easter basket....hmmm....I'm sure the Easter Bunny loves Mo!

Jennifer said...

My kids have literally worn out all of our pigeon books. They were brand new and they read them so many times that the pages started falling out!
Rowdy in First Grade

Tammy said...

Wonderful news! There could never be too many Pigeon books.
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Miss Foote said...

:-) Your posts make me smile! I love following "the pigeon" on twitter. He is everywhere.

Chickadee Jubilee

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this video! Can't wait to share the video and the book with my kiddos! Just like Jennifer's, my current pigeon books are worn out and have been taped up many, many times!

Jill said...

I am also crazy excited! I've been waiting for this day for a long time! :)

Marvelous Multiagers!

Angela said...

Whaaaaaa???? The duckling gets a cookie? After that hotdog ordeal, I can only imagine what the pigeon is going to do! I'm super excited to get my hands on it. My authors as mentors unit is always on Mo. I can't help it. Who wouldn't want to read about Gerald and Piggie for a whole month?? This video is so great--what a treat for my kids when I share it with them! Thank you so much for sharing all this great info.

Primarily Primary

She (Sprinkle Teaching Magic) said...

I had no idea "the pigeon" has a twitter AND this video is news to me. This is why I love blogs and I can't wait for this book! Thanks for the heads up!



Lita Lita said...

I love Mo Willems books and I hope they translate it in Spanish soon. I can't wait to present it in my classroom.

LaNesha Tabb said...

i knooooooow! mo is coming to my city this thursday and I'm gonna try to get this book autographed! so excited!! ;)
~Mrs. Tabb

Mrs. H. said...

I'm with you! And so are my firsties! We love Mo, The Pigeon, and Gerald and Piggie! Mo was actually in Nashville last night doing signings of his new book, and I was sooooo upset I couldn't go! Maybe some day...For now, I guess I'll just keep enjoying his books and the video--thank you so much for sharing!

Once Upon A First Grade Adventure

Unknown said...

I love him, too! His books are hilarious! I didn't know there was a new one- I'll have to get ahold of it!
First with Franklin

creasa said...

Thanks for sharing the video!! OH MY WORD... I just got my book today. I am so excited about sharing it with my class. We loved doing your Mo Willems author study.

Tanya said...

Tag! You're it. Hop on over to my blog to play.
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today... love Pinterst! You have so many wonderful ideas! Mo is my favorite author as well. I am glad to see that I am not the only one! :)

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