Sunday, August 14, 2016

Magic Bracelets--a Magical First Day Activity!

One of my absolute FAVORITE activities for the first day of school is making MAGIC bracelets. The kids faces are always PRICELESS when they discover what these bracelets can do!  I give everyone a bag of clear beads and a pipe cleaner, and tell them that even though the bracelets look a little plain, they are actually magical.  Immediately they get to talking with their table friends about what they think will happen... this year, some thought they might glow in the dark.  Others thought they might be able to make them fly!  Some wondered if they might change color.  One friend hoped it would grant wishes.  I loved seeing that spark of curiosity on the first day–and it is my hope to keep the kids curiosity for learning all year long!  I told them we would be taking a walk outside, and by the time our walk was finished, they would know why those bracelets are special.  You see, if you are going to have an amazing first grade year, something will happen to that clear, plain looking bracelet….

The kids were absolutely amazed when they stepped outside–those plain, clear beads became bright & multi-colored!  I was so impressed, because they immediately started questioning why it happened.  Which became a lesson about scientific thinking–because scientists do exactly what they just did–predict, question, and wonder!  The kids shared so many smart ideas–a few kids wondered if the bracelet changed color because of the change in temperature–going from the cold air conditioning to the heat outside.  Some kids wondered if it had to do with LIGHT.  (*YES!  These are UV beads, and they change colors in the sunlight.*)  The link to the ones I used are below:

I absolutely love this new tradition with my classes.  
The bracelets always make it a super exciting first day!  


Marcie- Sunny and Bright in First Grade said...

What a precious idea! I love this and I am totally stealing it for this week! We do a science investigation in the spring with UV beads where we test lotion & spray sunscreen and compare them to the beads with no sunscreen... But this is PERFECT for the beginning of the year! Thanks so much for sharing! 💕

Chris Saunders said...

Hi--I love your posts! :) The bracelet idea is adorable-thanks for sharing! Where did you get that super cute banner?-Thanks-Chris

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Love!!! This is ABSOLUTELY happening in my classroom this year. XOXOX you're amazing! Don't stop posting :)

Anonymous said...

How many packs per class did you need? -Sarah

Maria said...

I just received my bag of beads so excited! How many beads for each child? I was thinking about 20 right? Thank you for posting this! I love it!!

Petrina Haag said...

I love this. I will use them as magic angel dust, since I have and angel theme. We will earn more dust as the year goes by and add them to our collection.

Maestro said...

I love this idea, but I can't see the link for where to get them. Could you post it again, please?

Joanne L Pigott said...

I love this idea and I am so excited to do it with my firsties tomorrow. What a great way to start the year.

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! How many would you say you give out for one bracelet? I have quite a large group this year and I am trying to figure out if I need more than 1 package. Thank you in advance.

Susan said...

My kids LOVED this! Great way to stay talking about light!

Miss Angel said...

I love that idea! Will have to find a way to work it into one of my lessons. I on;y teach reading, writing and math because I'm a Resource teacher... but this is too cool to pass up!

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