1. First and foremost, I have to have my Starbucks! You will see me with a very large coffee mug every morning!

2. Mavalus Tape and Magnet Tape. If you haven't used the Mavalus Tape, you should! It is "mavalus"! It keeps those anchor charts on the wall all year.

I LOVE magnet tape. I put magnets on everything!

3. Scholastic Word Families Song Book. My students can't get enough of this book. The songs are so cute, and we love singing songs to go with our phonics skill of the week!

4. Magic Wand. It's magical. I use this wand ALL the time. I use it as a signal to change centers, or just to get everyone's attention. It has such a pleasant little sound!

5. Cut outs. I love all kinds of cut outs! I have a huge box of bears, cupcakes, stars, owls, pumpkins, penguins, you name it. I love turning my cut outs into reading and math games, or using them to hang around the room with words on them for the kids to read.

6. Twistables colored pencils and crayons. These are the BEST coloring tools ever. I really wish everyone in my class could have them. Just think--no more crayon peels or broken pieces lying on the floor! I think they would last longer than plain crayons or colored pencils too.

7. Scrapbook paper. I love getting giant scrapbook paper packs. New paper makes everything more fun.

I just found your blog via a fellow teacher friend! I saw that one of your favorites was the magnetic tape.... I just wanted to share that office max sells business card magnets and they are GREAT too! I cut them and use them for everything! They are strong and one of the best suggestions I have ever been given! Have a great year!
I love this post! I think I might do the same!!
I discovered magnetic tape today and it was like hearing a Hallelujah chorus from Heaven!
LOVE your blog! I am a fellow teacher and you have given me so many ideas. Thanks for all of the inspiration!
Where did you get the magic wand? so cute!
What do you use the scrapbook paper for? And where did you get that fabulous wand?! Thanks for sharing :)
Those sound great! I can't wait to begin collecting things for my first classroom. I start my teaching program next month at Simon Fraser University and I'm so excited!
Thank you all so much! I am very excited that all of you have found my blog! Sarah--I use scrapbook paper for crafts, signs in my room, or for creating center activties. I'm sorry, but I can't remember the site I found the wand, but look up musical wand on Google--and you should be able to find it!
Fabulous blog! Thanks for the great info...I'm going to have to look for that Mavalus tape (sounds like something from a Dr. Seuss book). I found my wand at a teacher store and it is an essential tool for getting my students'attention. I actually got 2 - a heart and a star, but the star sounds sweeter.
I've used the scrapbook paper to make very big 100 grids for my 1st graders to use with Everyday Math (this a great job for parent helpers-with a little direction).
I found your blog about a month ago and I LOVE it... I have been recommending it to all of my teacher friends! This post inspired me to write my own version (and I liNked it back to you): www.adventures-in-kindergarten.blogspot.com
Thank you!
cute blog! Starbucks- I must agree. I should buy stock in it!! Thanks for all of the inspiration!
I would love to see a post about great GIFT ideas for first grade teachers! I know you probably hate to seem like you are asking for things, but the truth is parents are getting first grade teachers gift, and would love to have some input OTHER than starbucks cards.
Maybe you first grade teachy blogs could do a blog hop share/thingy!
I am also a first grade teacher and just found your blog. I have enjoyed reading your posts. Where did you get the Mavalus Tape? Thanks for sharing!
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